Gasworks Flying Group

About the Group

Welcome to the Gasworks Flying Group website! Here, you'll discover everything you need to know about our group and the aircraft we operate.

Based at Old Warden Aerodrome (EGTH) in Bedfordshire, our friendly syndicate consists of 12 members. We take pride in operating a 1964 PA28 Cherokee 180 C, registered as G-ASWX. Our aircraft is housed in a secured hangar and maintained to the highest of standards. Any pilots looking to learn more about the syndicate, please feel free to get in touch. Join us as we share our passion for flying and aviation.

Old Warden Aerodrome,
Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

799m Grass
Elevation 127ft

Old Warden Radio


The Cockpit

A versatile 4-seat touring aircraft.


Garmin GMA340 Audio Panel.

Garmin GTX330 Mode S Transponder.

Trig TY96 8.33KHz VHF Radio.

Narco MK 12D VHF + VOR.

Garmin 296 GPS.

Safety Equipment

MT410 PLB.

4 Life Jackets.

PilotAware Rosetta EC Device.

Carbon Monoxide Detector.


Lycoming O-360-A3A 180hp Engine.

Wing span 30ft.

Fuel consumption 10gph.

Cruising speed 143mph.

Fantastic handling characteristics.

Grey leather interior (installed 2017).

Group info

Self-hosted online booking system.

Online accounts for each member.

Well run group with a healthy balance sheet.

Great availability.

Low monthly subscription.

12 members with a wealth of experience in a variety of different fields.

Mass & Balance Calculator

This online tool can be used to calculate the mass and balance distribution for G-ASWX only. The figures used in this calculator are not applicable to any other aircraft, even for those of the same type and model.

Legal Disclaimer: This calculator has not been certified by any governing body. Use at your own risk and assume all data incorrect until validated by you.

Get in Touch

Please feel free to get in touch with any queries relating to the aircraft or the group itself.

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